Pink Fir Apple  
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Pink Fir Apple are better boiled in their skins.

hot potato salad

serves 3

450g (1 lb) pink fir apple potatoes or similarly waxy variety
4-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
A handful or half a bunch of spring onions (preferably red ones), washed and chopped, using the crisp stems
1-1½ tbsp tarragon vinegar
Sea salt and black pepper
A handful of coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley

Boil the potatoes until cooked. Drain and put the olive oil in the pan with the spring onions and gently warm them up.
Remove from the heat, add the vinegar and seasoning, then the hot potatoes and parsley, and cover with a lid until you are ready to serve. Shake the pot a little to combine (if you cut the potatoes in half in the pan, the cut sides will absorb some of the dressing).


potato salad

900g (2lb) pink fir apple potatoes
6 spring onions
150 ml olive oil
150 g diced bacon
1 lemon
2 teaspoons mild mustard

Boil potatoes for about 20 mins. Drain and set aside. Prepare salad dressing by juicing lemon and stirring in mustard. Season with salt and pepper. Slowly add oil while stirring vigorously then add finely chop spring onions. Now fry bacon in dry pan slowly until crisp. Add to dressing mixture. Cut warm potatoes into slices or large chunks and pour dressing over. Mix well. Only add chopped parsley before serving so that it remains crisp.


potato and courgette bake

serves 4

500 g (1 lb) potatoes, peeled and sliced thickly
250 g (8 oz) courgettes
4 bacon chops
1 small can apricots
1 x 20 ml spoon (1 tablespoon) demerara sugar

Parboil the potatoes for 3-4 minutes and drain. Cut the courgettes in half lengthwise and parboil. Grease an ovenproof casserole, cover with the potatoes and place the courgettes on top; then place the bacon chops over the vegetables.
Arrange the apricots around the side of the dish, pour over the fruit juice and sprinkle the sugar over the bacon.

Cook in a moderate oven, 350°F (180°C), Gas Mark 4, for 30-40 minutes.


quick pink fir apple potatoes

If you have boiled too many potatoes, don't throw out. Leave to cool and store in fridge. When required, microwave on full power for 2-3 minutes until heated through. Add a knob of butter before serving (again, if you cut the potatoes, the cut sides wil absorb more of the butter).







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